
  The Global Rise of Nicotine Pouches Nicotine Pouch Geographic Footprint, Company Presence, And Legislative Snapshot The Tobacco Transformation Index™ measures the extent to which nicotine and tobacco companies are making material progress toward reducing the consumption of high-risk products (HRPs) and contributing to tobacco harm reduction. Nicotine pouches are one of six products defined as “reduced-risk”. As this blog post explores, nicotine pouches are a relatively niche category and not widely available but are developing rapidly in select geographies. The largest markets are currently in the US and other HMICs. Seven of the 15 companies ranked by the Tobacco Transformation Index currently offer nicotine pouches, as do a number of other companies. Regulatory developments, given current fluidity, will likely be crucial to the category’s future. Brand Landscape Overview Of the 15 companies ranked by the Tobacco Transformation Index, seven offer nicotine pouches to date. Nicotine